December 12, 2012


This is a photo of my brother and sister in 1981-ish Christmas time....makes me laugh out loud every time I see it...

Being sick for over a week now is just plain annoying. :(
Especially in this busy holiday season....but things are still getting done, slowly and over long periods of time...but getting done nonetheless! I still have a few blog posts I hope to get up before the big holiday (about St Nicholas day, an amazing couple of artists I found out about at the One of a Kind show, homemade caramels, and a few other musings). Crossing my fingers I can get my act together (and my body to co-operate) very soon.
In the meantime....enjoy this random Christmas photo from my stash...hope it makes you smile :)


  1. Hahaha where is the embarrassing photo of YOU from back in the day? :) I hope your Christmas turned out to be lovely. I love your 'About me' info - you have such a great goal for your family. And Switzerland is just amazing! Come!

  2. Oh, I am positive THOSE photos will come soon enough ;)
    Likewise to you, I hope your holidays were amazing too!
    As for Switzerland...already there in spirit! (probably eating stinky cheese and delicious bread) ;)


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